We have always been a different kind of financial services firm, embracing long-term planning, valuing methodical decision-making and remaining focused on results.
Our Expertise
EUROFINANZ, a global advisory, investment and asset management firm, is part of an interdisciplinary group formed by professionals with expertise in different fields, among which we can mention: Technical and Financial Engineering, Environment Care, Conventional and Renewable Energies and Agribusiness.
Our Commitment to Results
Inspired in an enterprising culture, competent enough as to take risks, invest and work based on technological and commercial innovation, EUROFINANZ has fixed its competitive strategy using as key instruments the human capital, permanent innovation and self-improvement, assimilation of knowledge and its ability to act ahead of reactions that changes cause in the context.
Our Philosophy
Our philosophy recognizes that quality in services is founded on the principles of:
Our Strategy
Medium to long-term horizon
Integrated value chains export-oriented
Focus the portfolio on industries of interest
Responsible investing. Fuly integrate environmental, social and governance (ESG) issues into our research and investment decision process.

The Team
Our professional staff has decades of experience in various branches of industry and has gained worldwide prestige
Raul Zenon
Entrepreneur and Senior Manager with more than 45 years of experience in business development and management. Engineer specialized in civil works and petroleum. He began his business career in the infrastructure construction sector in 1974, dedicating himself thereafter mainly to consulting and development services oriented to energy, infrastructure and biotechnology sectors.
With his experience, Mr. Zenón brings the vision and global strategies to address Eurofinanz purposes with the highest level of quality in services.
Claudia Suppo
With a degree in Economics and a specialization in the financial area, Ms. Suppo is in charge of the general management of economic-financial evaluations, risk analysis and development of financial structuring for the group's businesses, projects and clients. Her ability to coordinate cross functional groups is suported by a multicultural background with international work experience in Europe, Latin America and the US.
Augusto Zenon
Industrial Engineer. He joined the group in 2011 in the area of clean technologies for waste treatment, water purification and energy production. Specialist in Project Management and Process Engineering, including the econometric evaluation of new technologies / processes in existing industrial facilities, institutional relations with private companies, municipalities and state governments.